photography, photo essays, videos, visual research
Visual blog
- Haida
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Tluu Haada Nay pole raising

On Friday, 19 August 2022, Christian White (master carver of the Yahgulaanas clan of the Haida), with family, clan, and community, raised a totem pole in Old Masset, Haida Gwaii (BC, Canada) to honor his family, the Yahgulaanas/jaanas clan, and the Haida Nation. The Haida are famous historically for their elaborately carved totem poles. Raising […]
- Mayangna
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Arang Dak: remote Mayangna village at front of wave of colono land theft

Expanded version of 29.03.2023 article in The Havana Times Settler invasion reaches core of Central American rainforest: Mayanga seek to protect land, avert violence Semi-autonomous Mayangna territories in the Bosawás Biosphere Reserve of northern Nicaragua, are experiencing a crisis of illegal settler land theft In the last 10 years, over 80 indigenous people have been […]
- Mayangna
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Arang Dak: Photo exhibition at MPI EVA Leipzig: 1 July til 2 December 2022

Photos and Video Stills by Karl Frost Arang Dak is a Mayangna village in northern Nicaragua. It sits on the Lakus River in the semi-autonomous indigenous territory of Kipla Sait Disbaika, about 2 days boat ride from the nearest road access. Much of life centers around maintaining rotating fincas … forest plots which are cleared […]
- Mayangna
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Coco and Bocay Rivers, Bosawas Nature Reserve, Nicaragua

Some photos from our trip to Bosawas Nature reserve in Nicaragua (December 2021). The purpose of the trip was primarily to visit the Mayangna village of Arang Dak on the Walak Was (Lakus River). Anthropologist Jeremy Koster has been visiting Arang Dak for many years, working with the Mayangna documenting their life. It is the […]
Quotidian Scenes

an exhibition of photographic anthropology by Karl Frost at the Max Planck Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig April 18 – July 30, 2019 Deutscher Platz 6, Leipzig open hours 8:00 – 18:00 These photos and video stills were taken from the network of field sites associated with the Department of Human Behavior, Ecology, and […]
- Colombia
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Graffiti art in Candeleria, Bogota, Colombia

Candeleria district, Bogota, Colombia, 19 February 2019 At the start of a 6 week trip to Colombia to work with Anthropologist Cody Ross, i stopped for a day in Bogota. Part of the day, I was able to take in the street art near the hostel i was staying at in the Candeleria district. Bogota […]
- Moseten
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Artesanos Mosetenes video collage (Bolivian lowlands)

The following video is a collage of footage from a project documenting traditional Mosetén crafts, done at the request of David Maito Baya, president of the Pueblo Indígena Mosetén, as part of ongoing collaboration with MPI affiliated anthropologist, Dr Anne Pisor. (currently at Washington State University). Included is footage of weaving of baskets, bags, fans, and hat, carving […]
- Gitxsan
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Interview with Sharon Ness (wilp Tsi Basa) and Richard Wright (wilp Luutkudziiwus), Gitxsan

A few words in the Gitxsan language Wilp: ‘House’ – the primary social, political, and economic unit in Gitxsan society. All members are related matrilineally to a female ancestor of the Wilp. Gitxsan inherency, known as Gwalx Yee’insxw, is established by virtue of being a member of a wilp. The majority of Gitxsan rights reside in the wilp. A […]